Jordan Tesluk
2 min read
A Break Down of the Employment Standards Act and How it Relates to Silviculture Workers in BC
Being informed about the Employment Standards Act and Regulations can help workers navigate common workplace issues and concerns.

Top 10 Tips For a Safe Trip to Work
Getting to a forestry worksite can involve driving long hours, new routes, and navigating logging roads. Getting there safely is essential.

Jordan Tesluk
3 min read
Preparing for the Unexpected: The Importance of Emergency Drills in Forestry
Successful rescue and evacuation of injured workers in forestry worksites require strong teamwork and careful preparation.

Jordan Tesluk
4 min read
Buckle Up because it's all about: Safety Audits
Understanding External Audits and Their Role in Ensuring a Safe Work Environment

Jordan Tesluk
2 min read
Can Hygiene & Bush Work Co-exist? Preventing Illness & Infection While Tree Planting
Warning: This article is not for the squeamish

Jordan Tesluk
2 min read
What Does it Mean to be 'SAFE Certified'?
In BC, most forestry companies are certified under the SAFE Companies Program administered by the BC Forest Safety Council (BCFSC).

Meg Webster
1 min read
Off the Block Directories: Branching Out Beyond Planting
Planters do such interesting things, but keeping tabs on everyone is a challenge. I am trying to solve that with this directory!

Meg Webster
6 min read
What is 'Life Administration' For Tree Planters?
This piece is dedicated to my younger self, who would have benefited greatly from having more support and a bit more of a plan.

Meg Webster
2 min read
'new wilderness'—A Tree Planter's Decision to Retire
i watch from afar as the season starts and friends reunite. i am feeling lost and nostalgic as a version of myself slips away.