In general, training refers to learning, developing or practising skills. For our purposes: skills that are useful in the workplace.
Silviculture is a labour-intensive industry where people often live in close quarters with each other, consider a planting camp, fire camp, or fire base. We work in the great outdoors, rely on each other for emergency response more often than not, and like any other workplace, there are people in different roles - some with management and leadership responsibilities.
This training directory aims to be well-rounded, and what follows is just the beginning of a valuable directory for professional growth. Currently, it focuses mainly on offerings in BC and some in Alberta. We hope you will consider adding to this list, and that it can become a living breathing resource for our industry.
There is a lot of relevant training from the BCForestSafe Council. They are a fantastic forest training resource.
If a resource is free - it is noted in the directory. Otherwise, there is a cost associated. Some items may fit into multiple categories. After the General section, categories are alphabetized.
Lastly, we’d like to add a section to this list for skills related to cooking, however, at this time we have not been able to find much. If you are someone with information on relevant training courses for cooks in planting camps, please consider reaching out.