The stigma around mental health often leads people to believe they don’t need professional help or that finding mental health support is too confusing or expensive. While these things can be true, finding the right mental health professional can be life-changing and very worthwhile.
I will unpack some things I’ve learned while navigating the mental health world in this article. My goal is to empower folks reading this to take control of their mental health and to seek support when needed.
To reduce stigma, it helps to highlight how supporting your mental health parallels supporting your physical health. Humans quickly go to the doctor with a broken arm or see a physiotherapist when an old ankle injury flares up. Yet, when experiencing emotional pain or trauma, people don’t often consider getting support.
Why are they different? Stigma. How do we reduce stigma? We talk about it and work to normalize it.
So many types and such little energy to learn about the differences
Decide online or in person, or both
What are you looking for in a mental health professional?
Interview your therapist
If this all feels overwhelming and you’re like I DON’T KNOW what to think about therapy or how to prepare for therapy, that is okay too. I didn’t know anything before I started, just that I wanted professional support in processing my emotions and the past so that the future looks clearer.
You start to feel out the process by learning about what you want from therapy and what you want from a therapist. Once you begin the process, you will know more about yourself and what you want. Don’t worry if it takes time. That age-old adage is accurate in this case; good things take time. Meaningful relationships are not built overnight; they take time, energy, and dedication. Why would the one with yourself and your therapist be any different?